三大葡萄酒產區 一場嶄新時尚演繹
探索奔富全新系列「ONE by Penfolds 奔富一號」
一個與潮流品牌 Human Made 創始人 NIGO 合作設計,
A curated collection of wines from Australia, California and France.
共享. 文化. 企劃
Designed in partnership with Human Made founder NIGO, One by Penfolds is a new range of wines celebrating ‘oneness’. ‘Oneness’ embraces what makes us all different and unique, but also the things that bring us together as represented by the winemaking regions from where the One by Penfolds range is made around the world – Australia, France and the US. Different perspectives and unique regional nuances are captured within the bottle, all unified by Penfolds distinctive House Style. Each wine within the One by Penfolds range delivers medium-bodied, fruit-forward, and aromatic flavours.
1. 中環-國際金融中心
2. 銅鑼灣-時代廣場
3. 尖沙咀-海港城
4. 沙田-新城市中心
1. 沙田-新城市廣場三期
2. 荃灣-荃灣廣場
Market Place by Jasons
Selected Stores
*not full range available in retail spots